Tuesday October 27th, World Day for Audiovisual Archives, the 8 presidents from the AACCC associations collectively sign the “New Declaration”
At the World Day for Audiovisual Archives, focusing on the theme “Archives at Risk – Protecting the World’s Identities”, the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations, CCAAA, will highlight its program “Archives@Risk”, the global initiative to safeguard endangered audiovisual archives, organized and managed by the CCAAA.
All of us under CCAAA’s umbrella strongly believe that our associations need to highlight the valuable work being done, and to lobby and seek support for new programs worldwide. As a first step, all associations seek to directly promote its activities through the umbrella “Archives@Risk” program and sign this New Declaration collectively and simultaneously, as a token of our commitment towards endangered archives worldwide.
October 27th 2015: “A New Declaration” for Audiovisual Archives Associations
All of our associations are engaged in promoting the value and the safeguarding of audiovisual heritage in different ways. Collectively the CCAAA represents the entire world network of Audiovisual Archives and as such has the capacity to be a very powerful lobbying body.
In recognition of this shared vision, at World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the CCAAA proposes a “New Declaration” to be a key focus for the CCAAA and the Archives@Risk program for 2015 – 2017.
The “New Declaration” is one whereby the CCAAA member associations commit to work together to support and highlight any projects or programs aimed at preserving and giving access to an endangered archive anywhere in the world.
CCAAA agrees to organize the first “Archives@Risk” Conference for 2016 in Dublin, Ireland – aimed at bringing together key influencers and the expert body of archives worldwide to highlight the issues, celebrate achievements and seek funding and pledges of support. The ‘Save Your Archive’ program of FIAT/IFTA will support the CCAAA associations in this event. UNESCO has been approached to support this conference as well.
Mick Newnham, President SEAPAVAA, signing the CCAAA Declaration witnessed by Michael Loebenstein, Secretary General FIAF, and David Fricker, President ICA