Briefing: For many Iraqis, post-war life remains a struggle
ذي قار / حسين العامل كشفت لجنة التربية والتعليم العالي في مجلس محافظة ذي قار عن تدني غير مسبوق بنتائج مرحلة الثالث متوسط والتي بلغت 34 بالمئة على مستوى العراق و 37 بالمئة في محافظة ذي قار، وفيما عزت...
د. أحمد عبد الرزاق شكارة إن تقييم حال ومستقبل التربية ، التعليم والثقافة في العراق أضحى مسألة جد حيوية ينتظرها كل عراقي وطني غيور على مصلحة ومستقبل بلاده من أجل بث وتنشيط الروح المعنوية – الفكرية –التعليمية – العلمية...
The UN body has described the ancient city as a “unique testimony to one of the most influential empires of the ancient world.” After years of damaging interventions, Babylon will now gain protected status. Babylon (Iraq) – Situated 85 km...
Archaeological excavations were conducted near the city of Nasiriyah, at a place called Abu-Tbeirah, which is located on the ancient shoreline of the Persian Gulf. The ancient harbor uncovered near Ur, homeland of Abraham, is the oldest port found...
The Middle East has been home to numerous civilizations over the course of its long and tumultuous history. While the region’s past is well-studied, one of these societies we know very little about—the so-called Mittani Empire, which stretched from...
Mosul is the living symbol of Iraqi’s pluralistic identity. For centuries, it has been a crossroad of culture in the Middle East. From the Sumerian cities to Babylon, from the walls of Nineveh to the Silk Road, the region...
Posted by Iraqi Thoughts The official opening of the Basra Museum on the 19th of March 2019, is the culmination of over a decade of planning and hard work and is a prime example of the success of local efforts and...
As Iraqis gather at the morgue seeking news of missing relatives, anger boils over on the banks of the Tigris
السلام عليكم أيها الأخوة والأخوات الأعزاء، نلتقي بكم مرة أخرى في مكتبة الحكمة ضمن سلسلة أنشطتها الفكرية والثقافية وأرحب بكم جميعاً وبشكل خاص سعادة سفير جمهورية العراق الدكتور فريد ياسين لرعايته هذه الأمسية وكذلك الدكتورمحمد جواد القريشي نائب السفيروممثلآ عنه...
By Shatha Khalil Corruption has been rampant in all Iraqi government institutions and bodies since the occupation of the country in 2003, where ministries have become a source of funding for influential political parties as the corruption has been spread...
Gilgamesh Nabeel February 12, 2019 Source: Article Summary Iraq’s young archaeologists are remembering their inspiration and frequent mentor Lamia Gailani, who worked hard to restore her country’s lost heritage and encourage new scientists to explore the field. Twitter/jane arraf...
Last week, I attended a presentation and film on the problems of mines throughout Iraq. The trailer is here: Yesterday, I heard a radio program from Baghdad which focused on the threat that mines pose to Iraqi families and tourists...
Mosul’s celebrated museum has not recovered since Islamic State group jihadists ravaged its ancient treasures several years ago, but part of the complex reopened Tuesday to showcase more contemporary art. For the first time since IS overran the Iraqi...
Reliefs from Ashurnasirpal II’s Nimrud palace, fixed to the walls of a Scottish mansion, have been removed, stripped and sold abroad MARTIN BAILEY29th January 2019 11:03 GMT A pair of large Assyrian relief sculptures, similar to those recently destroyed...
Fehim Tastekin January 23, 2019 Turkey has launched an effort to help resolve the water problem of neighboring Iraq amid bilateral tensions over decreasing flow rates in the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, whose waters the two countries share. President Recep...
Iraqi archaeologist Lamia al-Gailani said more than one-third of the site of the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh has been covered with houses. LONDON – Anarchic development and looting in war-torn Iraq are the greatest threats to its treasure...
Launched in 2016, Aliph will finance restoration work with technical support from the Louvre and Smithsonian Institution 16th January 2019 10:36 GM Aliph, a Geneva-based global fund to protect cultural heritage in war zones, spearheaded by France and the...
السيرة والانجازات
عبدالجبار جعفر تاريخ النشر: الخميس 10 كانون الثاني 2019
The two-phase, three-year project aims to revitalize the city and its culture. When ISIS terrorists in northern Iraq destroyed cultural heritage sites in and around Mosul, they frequently targeted minority groups including Christians, Yazidis, Shia, Kurds, and other groups...
Across the region, Christmas appeared to come and go without the terrorism of previous years. BY SETH J. FRANTZMAN DECEMBER 25, 2018 Christians filled churches in the city of Qaraqosh, southeast of Mosul, on Christmas eve to celebrate the holiday...